Welcome to the Stratford of Avon Homeowners page! This site contains pages for the public and prospective homeowners, along with other pages exclusively for current owners within the Stratford of Avon community (denoted with a lock icon). From this portal you can edit and update your contact information, select your preferred method(s) of communication and whether you wish to receive these via email and/or texts, as well as your preferred frequency for receiving the various types of communications and notifications. We encourage all homeowners to keep their information up-to-date so you never miss out on our neighborhood happenings! 

If you need any assistance at all within this site, please do not hesitate to email: [email protected]

Thank you!

Mailing address: 
Stratford of Avon Homeowners' Association 
8103 East US Highway 36 
UPS Store - Box 118 
Avon, IN 46123-7964